What We Believe


What We Believe

The Orenda Sustainability Foundation believes in holistic rejuvenation of Water, Environment and Individuals to address some of India’s most pressing developmental challenges. Orenda has potential to create value chains and facilitative support structures based on aspirations, local demographic needs and local culture.
Orinda’s resources and donors continually support an assortment of causes, institutions and individuals in resource change management. To maximise its reach and improve outcomes, Orenda is establishing strategic partnerships with individuals and organisations that have the technical and unifying community expertise and experience.
The Orenda Sustainability Foundation believes in holistic rejuvenation of Water, Environment and Individuals to address some of India’s most pressing developmental challenges. Orenda has potential to create value chains and facilitative support structures based on aspirations, local demographic needs and local culture.
The Orenda Sustainability Foundation believes in holistic rejuvenation of Water, Environment and Individuals to address some of India’s most pressing developmental challenges. Orenda has potential to create value chains and facilitative support structures based on aspirations, local demographic needs and local culture.